The Mind Your Time Podcast | Empowering Six-Figure Entrepreneurs to Streamline, Scale, and Live Their Legacy

A Spring Cleaning Guide for Enhanced Business Productivity

February 29, 2024 Shannon Baker | Business Operations Strategist Episode 170

Get ready to banish the digital chaos holding back your business! Tune in to discover my ultimate decluttering strategies to transform a digital mess into a streamlined engine of productivity. Learn from real success stories, like Jodi, whose business growth accelerated after a simple Google Drive reorganization.

Uncover the power of back-office systems and email templates as more than just time-savers—they're your secret weapons for consistency and a personal touch without the robotic feel.

Tired of feeling the weight of digital clutter on your shoulders? Tune in for a “Spring Cleaning” solution that’s designed to reinvigorate your files and emails, setting your business on the path to efficiency. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a workspace that works as hard as you do.

And for those seeking an ongoing strategy, the MY-T Society membership beckons. Join the journey of organization with me, and witness how a streamlined digital environment paves the way for unparalleled business success.

Hit play to discover how you can spring clean your digital workspace and boost your productivity! Don't miss out on this game-changing episode!

1:43 - Let’s talk about the impact digital clutter is having on your daily workflow 

3:54 - Why you need to address these business challenges immediately

6:30 - How I helped Jodi organize her business, freeing up time for growth and launching a podcast

9:29 - How to get your inbox under control

13:54 - An underutilized tool that will improve your efficiency in responding to emails

18:38 - Some immediate benefits you can experience if you declutter your digital workspace

Resources mentioned in this Episode:
Episode 117 - How to Calm the Chaos In Your Back Office with Jodi Silverman

Episode 124 - Why You Need a Digital Filing System and How to Create One

Episode 145 - Stop Using a Lack of Time As An Excuse and Start Streamlining Your Business Systems for Sustainable Growth

Check out the Back Office Assessment

Check out The MY-T Society Membership

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Chat with Me About the VIP Spring Cleaning Day

Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker

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Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Check Out The MY-T Society Membership

Listen to My Free Audio Masterclass

Schedule a 20 Minute Chat with Me

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Follow Me On Instagram: @the_shannonbaker

Speaker 1:

Spring is right around the corner and I am excited about the opportunities that this is going to bring for me personally and professionally, but I also want to make sure your business is equipped for you to step out from behind that laptop. But the problem is you can't do that if your business isn't equipped. So today we're diving into the ultimate spring cleaning guide for your digital workspace so you can declutter, get organized and boost your productivity like never before. Welcome to the Mind your Time Podcast. I'm Shannon Baker, your host and coffee aficionado. Whether your goal is to increase your side gig income or scale to six figures, you're in the right place. You will learn about the tools, actionable strategies and tactics you can use to take back control of your time and life. I specialize in helping purpose-driven women like yourself work smarter and tap into the growth potential their business holds. So if you're ready to make a bigger impact and achieve business growth without being tied to it 24-7, then stick around.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into today's topic. Okay, so today I'm going to start by pointing out the elephant in the room and address the impact that digital clutter has on your daily workflow. More than likely, you are constantly juggling client calls, creating content, managing your team, and now you're also starting to attend more networking events. But I know you're also struggling to keep up because you're not organized and neither is your business. So the truth is, your disorganized digital workspace isn't just an inconvenience. It's having a huge impact on your business and it's like a domino effect, and not in a good way, my friend. First and foremost, to scatter emails and documents all over the place make it hard for you to provide timely responses to client inquiries, collaborate clearly and effectively with your team, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. This in turn makes you the bottleneck, which has a huge impact on project timelines, and this affects your level of client satisfaction. And, more than likely, it also means that you're missing opportunities for your business to grow, which impacts your revenue, means you're losing money On top of that. If you're wasting time searching for files and sorting through emails because nothing's organized or automatically sorted, then on average, you're losing at least 10 hours a week, and you can be spending that time on other revenue generating activities like conducting client follow-up calls or even more business development.

Speaker 1:

Now, more than likely and I'm sure you already know this, especially if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, but my question is why haven't you taken any action to change this? Well, we both know the answer. This is not your area of expertise. It's mine. Now, I know your intentions are good and you probably are still thinking eventually you'll be able to do this on your own, but your lack of progress in this area proves to me that that is not the case.

Speaker 1:

And until you take action, my friend, the stress and overwhelm that's caused by your disorganized digital workspace is going to continue to block your productivity, your overall well-being and your mental clarity. That's why you're finding it challenging to focus on strategic tasks and make informed decisions in your business. The longer you wait to address these issues, the further behind you're going to fall in achieving your goals and reaching your full potential as an entrepreneur. Now, the time to take action on this is now. I can't stress that enough Because if you don't, these challenges are going to escalate further and further and they're going to continue to impede your business's success. And I'm having this black coffee type chat with you because there is a small window opportunity available for you right now to make some small changes that are going to have a huge impact on the way that you're currently operating, but you must do this when this episode goes live, which is the end of February. Yes, you need to take action now, and by now I mean in the next few weeks. As someone who's been there, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a business, but the truth is being busy doesn't necessarily mean that you're being productive or that you're successful. I did an entire episode on this last year, because a lack of time is actually one of the biggest excuses that business owners give to try to justify not having business systems in place. Now I'm not going to get on my soapbox on this topic, because it will be really easy for me to do, but I'm going to put a link to that episode in the show notes for you, because I talk about all the things that are involved in that episode.

Speaker 1:

So now back to this digital clutter that we need to get fixed. Is your inbox overflowing with unread emails? Are there documents that you need on a regular basis that are scattered between your desktop and your Google Drive or wherever you store your files? Do you have multiple copies of those files? By the way, now, I'm not asking these questions to make you feel bad. You are not the first person to have this issue and I'm pretty confident that you won't be the last, but the good news is this can be fixed. I have solved this problem for every client I've worked with. This is one of the first areas of the back office work that I do, because it's one of these six core systems you need to have in place in your business.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're wondering what a digital filing system should look like, wonder no more. I did an entire episode on this one system to give you an idea of how to structure this on your own. I'm also going to put a link to that in the show notes, because really, the issue that's preventing you from growing your business is you're disorganized. That's part of the reason, anyway, and really that was part of Jodi's problem when she was referred to me. Her Google Drive was disorganized and there were triplicate files and folders within folders, which made it difficult for Jodi to locate the documents when she needed them on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

And Jodi had a lot of growth potential in her business, but she couldn't really assess the opportunities that came up because her business wasn't set up to support the business growth she wanted. So Jodi got to the point that she was ready to throw in a towel and she reached out to me, was referred to me to get some help. So Jodi booked a back office assessment with me. We identified her goals and her pain points and I created a clear plan of action so that she could move forward. If you want to know more about that back office assessment, go to dshannonbakercom forward slash assessment and you can check that out. But as I work with Jodi, we use the action plan that I created for her to reorganize her Google Drive. We created a clear folder structure and established a system for version control.

Speaker 1:

After that was done, jodi was able to delegate a lot of the administrative tasks that were on her plate to a virtual assistant, which freed up her time so she could focus on growing her business. Now, because of this new organized business that Jodi had, she was then able to launch her podcast, which she wanted to do for a while. She was able to book more speaking engagements and now she feels more in control and less overwhelmed by her business. Now, if you want to hear this from Jodi herself, I'm going to put a link to my chat with Jodi in the show notes, so you can check that out later. But I share this with you. One to put your mind at ease. I really need you to understand. You are not a unicorn. You're not the only one with these types of operational challenges.

Speaker 1:

Now, in addition to needing to organize your digital files, you also need to get your inbox under control. Did you know that the average business owner spends 10 hours a week reading and responding to emails? Your inbox is one of the biggest culprits that steals your time. Now, no, we cannot get away from email, no matter how many advancements there are in technology. But we can be more intentional and strategic in the way that we handle communication, and that's whether it's with our dream team, our clients, potential clients or anyone else that we come in contact with. And before I go any further, I need you to do one thing you need to stop worrying about inbox zero, because it's a myth. Think about it. You can literally go into your inbox and mark all the messages as read, but then they're still clogging up your mental inbox because you know there's something in that list that still needs to be done Now.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to go into sorting your inbox right now, because that can be a daunting task, but there are a few things that you can do to make your life a little bit easier from today moving forward. I actually did an episode on a few Gmail hacks quite some time ago, so I'm going to give you a few things that you can do. If you have a Gmail account, or even if you use a Google workspace for your business and I hope that you have a Google workspace and are not, whatever your name is, at gmailcom, because this is a business. So let's be real, you need a business email address. But anyway, no matter which platform you use, and even if you're using Outlook, there are built-in features that you should be using to help you be more productive. These features do the heavy lifting for you. They're called automations and they filter and sort emails for you. So, if you're using Google workspace, there are labels in filters that will automatically sort emails, and Outlook has rules and folders, but the purpose is to redirect emails as they hit your inbox, which is going to save you the trouble of having to sort and manage the emails manually. When you read out emails with these type of filters, you free up space mentally, you reduce stress levels and then you can focus on the conversations that really matter.

Speaker 1:

Now the next two tips that I want to share with you are going to require you to commit to making a change in the way that you do things. You need to create a schedule for checking your email, so I need you to sit down and determine how many times you're going to check your inbox every day. Then I want you to designate periods of time maybe 15, 20, or 30 minutes so that you can schedule that into your plan each week and each day. So, for example, if you decide that you don't want to spend more than 90 minutes a day in your inbox, you can break that down into three 30 minute time blocks. Then you block that off in your calendar as meetings and set reminders, so that that helps you to keep on schedule with this. And then the next thing you have to do is put some boundaries in place around your inbox.

Speaker 1:

We all know how important it is to respond to emails in a timely manner, but you don't need to be chained to your inbox. Neither do you need to be answering emails outside of your business hours or on weekends One of the biggest boundaries you need to have in place that most business owners do not have or stick to is business hours. You're not a 7-11, so you don't need to be available all the time. Or I say you're not 7-11, so you don't need to be available 24-7. This is an important boundary because it protects your time in your sanity, and it's important because, from today moving forward, I want you to start scheduling email responses if you're working outside of your business hours. So, if you're responding to emails at 8 o'clock at night, schedule your responses to be sent doing business hours the next day, monday through Friday. That way, you are responsive, but you're not giving anyone the idea that you're available to them any time of the day. You train people in the way that they treat you, so train them to treat you right and respect your time. Now the next strategy is going to help you decrease the amount of time that you spend responding to frequently asked questions.

Speaker 1:

Stop typing the same message over and over again. Create response templates and have a list of responses to those FAQs. You create a lot of extra work for yourself when you're starting from scratch with every single email, even though you're giving typically the same answer. That's why there are a number of standard message templates in the resource area of the Mighty Society membership. One member told me she was wasting at least 15 minutes typing something new for every new client, but it was the same message. She loved that she was able to take the templates in the Mighty Society membership. How about the name? Change a few details and then easily send it without having to recreate the wheel.

Speaker 1:

But here are some other benefits that you'll experience when you start using templates to streamline your business processes. It reduces errors when you start with a template. This helps catch grammar, spelling and captured details in emails and proposals or whatever it is that you're sending. But it also improves consistency. Templates streamline the process and save you time, which allows for faster and more consistent delivery. You don't have to sit there and think of what you need to say. The basics are there for you. You just copy paste, customize and send it.

Speaker 1:

Now here's a list of the templates you can find inside of the Mighty Society membership. There's a lead follow up response. You just customize it and drop in a link to your online scheduler. There's a consultation follow up message that you can send after a discovery call or consultation. There's a welcome email for new clients, an end of contract notification, an out of office notice, a summer hours announcement and a request for a coffee chat. Now, if you want to learn more about the membership, go to theshannonbakercom forward slash membership. But now back to templates. You can also save the templates in your Gmail or Outlook to easily create new emails right in your inbox.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is, I want you to keep these things in mind when it comes to using templates. They're supposed to be a foundation that you can start with, because they give you room to be flexible with customization. Now, sometimes I have heard people say well, I don't want to use a template because it's going to make me sound like a robot, which is a growing opinion with the increase in the use of AI. But I want you to keep in mind that every time you use a template and you add in different details, that means your message isn't exactly the same. I've been using templates since I started my business, almost 13 years ago now, and let me tell you there is not one template that I have used in my business that has not been customized before it was sent to a client or anyone else. Templates are meant to be customized. It's just easier, faster and quicker to start with the template, customize it and then send the message, opposed to starting from scratch and forgetting something. And that's the point. So let's do a quick recap about this.

Speaker 1:

It's obvious that digital clutter has a significant impact on your daily workflow and your productivity. When you're disorganized, it delays your response time and creates a roadblock when it comes to collaborating with your team members. It ultimately affects project timelines, client satisfaction and your revenue potential. The time you waste searching for files and sorting through emails could be used to focus on revenue generating activities. Now, I know addressing your digital clutter is not your expertise, but procrastination is just increasing your stress and overwhelm, and it's hindering your ability to focus on strategic tasks and make informed decisions. But there's hope for improvement Again. Now is the time for you to take action to implement some organizational systems like organizing your digital files and cleaning up your inbox. Streamlining your processes through automation, setting boundaries around your inbox management and utilizing templates for common responses will save you time, reduce errors and improve your consistency in communicating. Now I also share some time-saving benefits that you can experience by using message templates and a little bit in how I use them, and I hope this information has empowered you to resolve this issue starting today.

Speaker 1:

But that's not all I want to talk about. The truth is, an organized digital workspace, including your inbox, is the backbone of a successful business. It's not just about aesthetics. It's about efficiency, productivity and, ultimately, your business growth. Think of it as laying the solid foundation for your business to thrive upon. Now, I'm sure you'll agree with that statement, but I also know that you're thinking you just don't have the time to do this right now. Well, if you're ready to go ahead and conquer the digital chaos that you've been working in, and you're ready to boost your productivity, then my VIP Spring Cleaning Day is the perfect solution for you. You will finally be able to take back control of your digital workspace. So let me take the burden off your shoulders and declutter your digital workspace for you, so you can focus on growing your business with clarity and efficiency.

Speaker 1:

So here are the benefits you get a streamlined digital workspace. This means your digital file system or your digital drive and your inbox will be transformed from a chaotic mess to an efficiently organized space where you can find your files and your emails. You'll also have increased productivity because, when your digital workspace is decluttered, you'll spend less time searching for what you need, which means you can be more productive and you can focus on the right things. Your efficiency will be enhanced With a customized folder hierarchy inside of your digital filing system and having an organized inbox. You can then streamline your workflows, which makes it easier for you to manage projects and communicate with your clients and your team members, and you definitely will be less stressed. You can say goodbye to the overwhelm that's caused when you open up your Google Drive or Dropbox and things all over the place. A well-organized digital workspace will reduce your stress and create a sense of clarity and control over your business operations.

Speaker 1:

So here's what's included when your digital drive glow up, you get a customized folder hierarchy that's tailored to your individual business needs for efficient file organization. You get file organization, so I will move existing files into that new folder structure for you to easily access and find what you're looking for. We're going to go over naming conventions and implement best practices for file naming to ensure consistency and searchability. Once things are cleaned up, you're going to get a business baseboard that I create in a project management system, whether it's Monday Trello or A to air table for quick access to important links and documents. Now as far as your inbox, I'm going to assess it, give you a review of what's there, and we're going to talk about how it needs to be organized. So I'm going to develop a personalized plan to declutter and organize your inbox effectively. We're going to get tips and best practices for maintaining that inbox and I'm also going to give you some unsubscribe assistance so we can get those unnecessary mailing lists out of your inbox and reduce the clutter, in addition to setting up some filters to automatically sort messages when they're received.

Speaker 1:

So now you may be wondering well, this sounds like a whole lot of time is going to be required. But guess what? This VIP day is offered and can be done in about six hours. This will allow for focused attention and get you immediate results. That's my part. Now what does it require from you, other than payment? Of course, your active involvement will only be needed for initial discussions to set up the strategy, figure out how we're going to get things sorted. There are a few checking calls and the final review, which typically adds up to about 90 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Now understand this offer is for a strategic reorganization of one existing digital drive space and one email inbox. This does not include email migration or account setup. And again, now is the time for you to take action. Don't let digital clutter hold you back any longer. Invest in your business's success and reclaim control of your digital workspace with this VIP they offer. Do it now so you can streamline your workflows, increase your productivity and reduce stress. Not to mention, I have a limited number of slots available for this offer, and this offer is also going to expire, so I want you to act today and get this done, so, if you're ready to get started, you can schedule a short 15-minute call with me to discuss your needs and ensure we're a perfect match for each other so that we can enhance your digital efficiency. A link to my calendar is in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Now, you may still be thinking well, you know what this all sounds good, but I think I can tackle this on my own if I have a little bit more direction. Okay, well then, there is one other option. Inside of the Mighty Society membership is the Spring Cleaning your Business Audio Challenge. This is specifically designed for online entrepreneurs like you who want to get their business ready for growth. I know it can be hard to find time for things like this, but trust me, even if you choose this option, it's going to be worth it. As someone who's been there, I know it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running your business. But again, being business doesn't necessarily mean you're being productive or successful, and that's why you need to take steps to get your back office in order, especially decluttering and getting things cleaned up, and this challenge is the perfect option to help you do that. During this challenge, you'll learn how to declutter your workspace and create a more productive environment, clean up your digital workspace and protect your important data, review and optimize your business processes to increase efficiency, and then you'll be able to take control of your time and plan for the future. When you complete the challenge, you'll have a business that is organized, efficient and ready for success.

Speaker 1:

The Mighty Society membership is a private and supportive community of purpose-driven women like you who are committed to growing their businesses and making a difference in the world. And it's on the HeartBe app, not Facebook, because I wanted everything to be in one place, without distractions, and there's a mobile option. As a member of that community, you also get access and support from me. In addition, inside our bite-sized lessons and those done for you, templates and more. They're going to help you improve your technical skills and up-level your client experience. Their roadmaps, workflows and lots of other resources that are going to shorten the learning curve, save you time and help you reach your goals faster, because you'll have a strong business foundation built with systems. So that's it.

Speaker 1:

I want you, whether you choose to invest in the VIP Spring Cleaning Day for a focused, intensive solution, or you decide to join the Mighty Society membership and participate in the Spring Cleaning your Business Challenge. Just do something. Pick one so you can reclaim control of your digital workspace and get your business set up for growth and success. Remember, procrastinating is only increasing your stress and leaving you feeling overwhelmed. The longer you wait to address these issues, the further behind you're going to fall in achieving your goals. So now is the time for you to take action. Don't let digital clutter hold you back any longer.

Speaker 1:

Now. I want to thank you for listening today and I look forward to hearing about your progress in decluttering your digital workspace and taking your business to the next level. Now, if you have questions about anything that I talked about today, please DM me on Instagram at the underscore Shannon Baker, but I must say I really hope to see you inside of the Mighty Society membership or on my calendar, because you want a book of VIP day with me. But in the meantime, if you haven't already done so, please go to ratethispodcastcom forward, slash mind your time and leave a rating and review for the podcast. It's an easy way to show the podcast some love, and it will help me reach more entrepreneurs and help them work smarter, not harder, too. So I look forward to you joining me back here next week and until then, keep calm and streamlined.